Written by on May 5, 2022

04/17/2024 by Press Release

Bob Marley Hope Road - Entertainment Experience Coming to Las Vegas

FiveCurrents and Primary Wave Music will open the door for guests to forget their troubles and dance as Bob Marley Hope Road, a revolutionary entertainment experience, opens later this year at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

Our family is incredibly proud of this project that honors the life of our father,“ said Cedella and Ziggy Marley. “His legacy lives on through his music and life’s work of empowering and uniting the people. We invite all to be a part of this journey through Bob Marley Hope Road.

Bob Marley Hope Road invites audiences to enter a world where the heartbeat of one man unites all in celebration. Guests will step into an authentic Jamaican experience as Bob Marley’s life and music unfolds around them in a lyrical tapestry of color and sound. Trench Town comes alive, giant trees blossom and waterfalls rush at their feet as performers dance, sing and interact with the audience, vividly expressing the triumphs, struggles and poetry of the Jamaican people that fueled Bob Marley’s music.

Bob Marley Hope Road will be open for guests to celebrate his life and legacy seven days a week, during the daytime and evenings, with two distinct experiences:

Bob Marley Hope Road by Day
Hope Road by Day will be an illuminating, shared, multi-sensory experience. As audiences wander at their own pace, they will witness Bob’s electric stage presence like never before, interact with vibrant digital and analog installations, and explore mesmerizing musical and visual experiences that bring Bob’s messages of truth, freedom and “one love” to life.

Bob Marley Hope Road by Night
Hope Road by Night is an exciting, intimate show that will envelop guests with live spectacle. As they jam through Bob Marley’s music and influence, an engaging cast, representing the kaleidoscope that is humanity, will captivate audiences with powerful performances. Hope Road by Night will feature striking visuals, sets, and special effects that put showgoers centerstage as they sing, dance, and celebrate Bob Marley’s music and its impact on the world.

Executive producers for the project are Cedella MarleyZiggy MarleyScott Givens and Larry Mestel.

Get ready for a punky reggae party when Bob Marley Hope Road brings people of all ages together,” said Givens, Chief Creative Officer and CEO of FiveCurrents. “Bob’s iconic voice and anthemic lyrics will take audiences on a journey where spectacular visuals and stunning human performances sweep them into the middle of the performance…literally.

As the pioneer of Reggae music, Bob Marley inspired the masses to get together, free their minds and feel alright. His ability to blend infectious reggae beats with profound and timeless messages of love, peace and unity, has left an indelible mark on the world.

The Primary Wave team conceived this idea shortly after we partnered with the Marley family in 2018, and we cannot be more thrilled to now see this project and one-of-a-kind experience finally come to life,” said Mestel, founder and CEO of Primary Wave Music. “Bob Marley’s music has inspired and continues to inspire countless generations all over the globe.

Bob Marley Hope Road will immerse our guests into the life, music and philosophy of one of the most popular artists in history in a way that’s never before been done,“ said Chuck Bowling, President and COO of Mandalay Bay.

These are exciting times at Mandalay Bay as we introduce a new wave of world-class amenities and attractions for our guests from around the world.

Bob Marley Hope Road is a FiveCurrents creation and co-produced by FiveCurrents and Primary Wave Music. Further details and ticket information will be announced in fall of 2024. For updates, please visit 

Reader's opinions
  1. Commenter 254   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    tortor. Nam venenatis congue nibh. Donec posuere lacinia neque. Pellentesque vehicula. Nam eleifend ipsum. Vestibulum lectus diam, viverra vitae, tempor sit amet, eleifend eu, quam. Aenean aliquam ornare tellus. Donec vel ligula ut mauris pellentesque mattis. In neque leo, porta non, rutrum vel, sollicitudin a, libero. Pellentesque ornare mauris id odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean eget ante eget nunc feugiat lacinia. Duis ullamcorper consequat risus. Nunc at magna.


  2. Commenter 255   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    erra. Nulla volutpat est vitae nisl. Nullam aliquam ipsum a arcu facilisis adipiscing. Pellentesque cursus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla gravida viverra urna.

    Aenean condimentum, arcu sit amet volutpat ullamcorper, erat sapien tempor dolor, ac consectetur diam ante at nibh. Proin erat lectus, vehicula id, consequat quis, semper ac, felis. Sed in lectus. Duis nec massa. Nullam augue. Duis dolor felis, porta et, molestie vitae, imperdiet eget, purus. Mauris iaculis. In cursus, neque eu sollicitudin ullamcorper, odio mauris tempus odio, id tincidunt metus leo vel ipsum. Quisque suscipit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam sed libero. Nunc sollicitudin diam ac dui. Nunc faucibus auctor tortor. Quisque ipsum sem, hendrerit accumsan, congue ut, porttitor ut, turpis. Sed sollicitudin, leo et condimentum tempus, massa augue dictum est, iaculis posuere nulla f

  3. Commenter 256   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    t. Donec sem eros, egestas ornare, fermentum quis, malesuada sed, risus. Sed eleifend faucibus magna. Fusce malesuada ante eget massa. Donec consectetur dolor vitae erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas elit risus, pellentesque sed, imperdiet quis, pulvinar in, odio.

    Duis nulla diam, fringilla at, feugiat et, tincidunt consectetur, magna. Duis id est ac neque mollis ullamcorper. Nulla quis urna. Ut vitae nisi sit amet lectus blandit ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus consectetur nunc at sapien. Ut pellentesque laoreet diam. Morbi arcu neque, congue rhoncus, sollicitudin ut, condimentum id, lectus. Nulla facilisi. Praesent neque lacus, pretium eu, molestie at, laoreet convallis, metus. Fusce leo nisi, ornare ut

  4. Commenter 257   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    c nisi. Sed at mi. Donec eget odio in est tempus malesuada. Donec sem. Donec tortor. In auctor purus a lectus. Nulla a leo. Curabitur velit. In et lorem. Quisque congue, lorem sed cursus ullamcorper, mauris urna adipiscing enim, eget pulvinar est lacus ut augue.

    Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin scelerisque lectus non purus. Donec quis tellus. Vestibulum dictum imperdiet lacus. Integer magna libero, feugiat id, tincidunt eu, venenatis vel, mi. Cras mi. Vestibulum est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ut magna quis felis congue commodo. Fusce dictum hendrerit dolor. Donec commodo euismod dolor. Curabitur nibh. Vestibulum ut risus. Integer laoreet, ipsum congue congue suscipit, ipsum est molestie dolor, consectetur tempus justo lectus ac mauris.

    Integer vulputate molestie quam. Vestibulum et nisi. Nullam in magna quis libero p

  5. Commenter 258   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    Maecenas vel lectus. Maecenas convallis lorem at risus. Nullam facilisis tortor. Quisque quis turpis. Suspendisse consectetur nisl. Integer facilisis, massa consectetur mattis sollicitudin, lectus elit pharetra eros, ut dignissim sapien nunc eu nisi. Nunc tortor. Vestibulum imperdiet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer fermentum tincidunt nisl. Vivamu

  6. Commenter 259   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    d dolor. Mauris lectus mi, fringilla tempor, varius sit amet, placerat a, velit. Suspendisse justo. In vehicula urna fringilla neque. Suspendisse cursus, magna a imperdiet pellentesque, lacus velit dignissim urna, vel suscipit massa enim ac nunc. Proin porta aliquet eros. Curabitur ut erat

  7. Commenter 260   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    i, rutrum a, placerat a, suscipit a, est. Aliquam ac odio. Fusce arcu lorem, sodales et, condimentum ultrices, fringilla ut, tellus. Quisque velit justo, molestie ac, imperdiet et, vulputate semper, dolor. Phasellus laoreet, sapien in molestie gravida, velit quam consequat enim, sit amet malesuada arcu justo vitae turpis. Aliquam orci lorem, ornare ut, congue nec, bibendum at, erat. Donec vitae nisl id risus euismod viverra. Pellentesque eleifend risus sit amet diam. Mauris pharetra ornare tellus.

  8. Commenter 261   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    ndrerit dolor. Donec commodo euismod dolor. Curabitur nibh. Vestibulum ut risus. Integer laoreet, ipsum congue congue suscipit, ipsum est molestie dolor, consectetur tempus justo lectus ac mauris.

    Integer vulputate molestie quam. Vestibulum et nisi. Nullam in magna quis libero posuere vestibulum. Donec mi leo, elementum ut, tincidunt at, condimentum eu, est. Donec sed nisl ac justo consectetur viverra. Nulla volutpat est vitae nisl. Nullam aliquam ipsum a arcu facilisis adipiscing. Pellentesque cursus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, n

  9. Commenter 262   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    im et, consequat in, porttitor eget, orci. Aenean pretium, orci vel ultrices dapibus, ipsum metus lobortis ante, ac tincidunt urna erat et tortor. Mauris nisl eros, dapibus et, tristique eget, dignissim non, lacus. Fusce aliquam, turpis quis varius blandit, purus elit sollicitudin leo, vitae posuere odio odio id dui. Fusce adipiscing. Maecenas a enim eu sem accumsan laoreet. Donec sem eros, egestas ornare, fermentum quis,

  10. Commenter 263   On   May 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    ces posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent quam turpis, dignissim et, consequat in, porttitor eget, orci. Aenean pretium, orci vel ultrices dapibus, ipsum metus lobortis ante, ac tincidunt urna erat et tortor. Mauris nisl eros, dapibus et, tristique eget, dignissim non, lacus. Fusce aliquam, turpis quis varius blandit, purus elit sollicitudin leo, vitae posuere odio odio id dui. Fusce adipiscing. Maecenas a enim eu sem accumsan laoreet. Donec sem eros, egestas ornare, fermentum quis, malesuada sed, risus. Sed eleifend faucibu

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